Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Romney Ties or Bests Obama in Latest Poll

Romney faired the best of any potential GOP candidate in a new poll from ABC News/Washington Post tying Obama 47-47 among adults. Obviously some of the other candidates suffer from a lack of name recognition, though no other candidate was within 10 points of Obama.

When looking at registered voters, Romney bests Obama:

Romney:  49, Obama:  46.

No other potential GOP candidate comes close. Some other interesting insights:

"OBAMA/ROMNEY – With Romney matched against Obama, most Republicans and
conservative groups rally. Romney hauls in 87 percent of Republicans, 71 percent of
conservatives and evangelical white Protestants alike, and two-thirds of “very conservative”
Americans. No candidate does better against Obama among any of these groups.
Romney gains 72 percent support from the 46 percent of Americans who describe themselves as
supporters of the Tea Party political movement. But, showing breadth, he also draws in 48
percent of independents, the key swing voters.

Romney currently fares better against Obama than John McCain did in 2008 among several
important groups, and some surprising ones. Romney and Obama run evenly among women, a
group Obama won by 13 points in 2008; among white women, while McCain won by 7 points,
Romney leads by 18. McCain won white Catholics, an important swing-voting group, by 5
points, while Romney leads here by 19.

Romney runs about evenly with Obama in the Midwest, a region Obama won by 10 points in
2008. While 18-29 year olds still overwhelmingly favor Obama regardless of the Republican
candidate, his margin against Romney is 23 points, vs. 34 points against McCain. Even among
liberals, Obama’s edge is down – 79 points vs. McCain, 61 vs. Romney."