Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Romney Looks Strong in SC

Romney's faith contiunes to not be an obstacle in South Carolina, where he finished fourth in 2008.  A new PPP poll show him up by 9% over Palin:

Romney: 27
Palin:  18
Gingrich:  12
Cain:  12
Bachmann:  9
Paul:  7
Pawlenty:  4
Huntsman:  2

And SC isn't an outlier, with PPP reporting:  "Our most recent polls have him leading by 6 in Iowa, 15 in Nevada, and 23 in New Hampshire."

These are the first four primary/caucus states, and victories in at least a couple would put Romney in a very strong position. Victories in all four would likely end the primary contest.

Hat Tip:  Evangelicals for Mitt