Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Surely a Mormon can be President

So argues Jordan Sekulow, Director of Policy and International Operations at the American Center for Law & Justice, on the Washington Post's blog "On Faith."

Two quotes:

Do you think we should ever see headlines in a mainstream news outlet that read, "The Jewish primary" or "The black primary?" Politico recently ran a story titled "The Mormon primary" and no one seemed to balk. Former governors Mitt Romney and Jon Hunstman have long careers in public service and business. However, it seems like some outlets spend way too much time focused on Mormonism and not enough time discussing how these potential candidates would govern the country.

If a Mormon can be the governor of Massachusetts - neither a Mormon nor conservative stronghold - and a Mormon can be majority leader of the US Senate, surely a Mormon can be president.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mitt only Republican to Beat Obama in New Poll

Rassmussen has a new poll out showing Romney as the only GOP candidate who would topple Obama:

a. Mitt Romney 44% Barack Obama 42%

b. Mike Huckabee 43% Barack Obama 43%

c. Barack Obama 47% Newt Gingrich 39%

d. Barack Obama 49% Sarah Palin 38%.

e. Barack Obama 44% Ron Paul 35%.

Also, Romney is the current favorite to win the nomination:

1. Mitt Romney 24%

2. Sarah Palin 19%

3. Mike Huckabee 17%

4. Newt Gingrich 11%

5. Tim Pawlenty 6%

6. Ron Paul 4%

7. Mitch Daniels 3%

Hat Tip:  EFM

Thursday, February 3, 2011

No "Mormon Problem" in South Carolina

This new poll shows Mitt Romney as the candidate who would do best against Obama in South Carolina--yes, that's right--the same Bible-Belt state that everyone has thought would give Romney problems because of his religious faith.





HT:  Campaign Spot